It’s been an interesting year with a lot of good, a lot of change and a lot of lessons.

This blog is the last of 2021 and serves two purposes. the clock is ticking so let’s get right to it.


The first purpose: to thank YOU for reading these words, supporting my work and encouraging me at every twist and every turn. If you’re reading this blog then you know that months after getting married for the second time (kind of), I made a difficult decision and left my full time job in an effort to take ownership of my time and create something special. I’ve felt nothing but supported throughout this life change and I appreciate everyone who has helped me get to this point.

The second purpose: to share some of the highlights (from a content perspective) with you. I understand that I create quite a bit of content (prolific was my word of 2021) and it can be hard to keep up. however, I’m a firm believer that we become what we consume and for that reason, here are a few of the top picks from 2021 to set you up for a solid 2022.

Favorite Blogs

Married Again (?)

Time To Jump: Quitting My Job

Favorite Podcasts

Going One More With Nick Bare (Pursuit Podcast)

Handling Hardship Well With Sam Tooley (Project Endure Podcast)

Favorite Videos

Project Endure

The Other Person

Favorite Posts

Stand Out

Behind The Scenes


While there’s so much more that I could share, I want to leave it there and let you explore on your own time. It means the world that you’d even spend enough time to make it to these words. So in classic Joe fashion, let’s end this blog and this year with a quote that just hits different (read it a few times for full effect).

“In the midst of winter, I found there was, within me, an invincible summer. And that makes me happy. For it says that no matter how hard the world pushes against me, within me, there’s something stronger – something better, pushing right back.”

Albert Camus

Here’s to a 2022 full of growth.

Joe Rinaldi

IG: @joearinaldi

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