This is the second consecutive blog revolving around the same group of people (BPN), so you know that it must hold significant meaning to me (and I hope to you too). Without going into too much detail, this past weekend was spent down in Austin, Texas with the Bare Performance Nutrition team and ambassadors. It was an unforgettable time, spent with incredible people and filled with amazing moments. There were many insights gained from the weekend but this blog is about singular message that resonated on a level deeper than the rest and one that the world needs to hear more of.


Before we jump right into the more thoughtful content, here are a few pictures from this past weekend to give you a small glimpse into what it looked and felt like. I’m grateful to have these moments captured so well by my friend, Miguel Rivera.


One of the most memorable highlights from the weekend was watching the premiere of the Leadville 100 documentary with so many people who share the same mission. The film documents the Leadville 100 race that Nick Bare ran in August (2021) and while he was the one who ran the physical race, it was a team effort and it was bigger than him. That brings us to the name of the film: More Than The Miles. I won’t be able to express the sentiment with as much impact as the film, but the message for me was equal parts simple and powerful – in life, we all put in the miles but we can’t do anything meaningful alone. In the end, it’s not the race result that matters; it’s the process and it’s the people that matter more than anything else. Whether you know it or not, we’re all in the game of endurance sports because life is a long game. It doesn’t matter who you are – it will be tiring, it will be hard and it will be discouraging at times. We’ll all experience seasons of hurt, hardship and darkness but that’s when we need to lean into others all the more.


If you haven’t seen the film above, I couldn’t recommend it any more to anyone – it’s hands down one of the most powerful things you’ll see all year and the message transcends running. If you don’t have a group of people who you love and trust in your life, make that one of your top priorities and start investing into those around you. I’m beyond grateful for the BPN team and for everyone in my life who I can share my miles with. If you’re reading this, even if we’ve never met, I wouldn’t be here without you – thank you from the bottom of my heart.

If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.”

African Proverb

Go One More.

Joe Rinaldi

IG: @joearinaldi

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